Designblok 23

Designblok 23

, Events

For those who couldn’t make it to this year’s Designblok, we bring you a photo report from our presentation ‘The Journey is the Destination’ at the Openstudio Trade Fair Palace.

In a collaborative installation with the Czech fashion brand PBG, linking to the newly opened PBG store on Myslíkova Street in Prague, we showcased our current PÁR collection, an editorial by photographer Ondřej Holub, and several prototypes of sneakers, revealing entirely new paths we are currently working on.

We want to extend our thanks to everyone who stopped by our booth at Designblok. It was fantastic to see so many people in our shoes, chat with those who are considering them, and even introduce our brand to those for whom it was a novelty. We truly appreciate the feedback on our existing products as well as all the prototypes.

PÁR: Jan Kloss, Darina Zavadilová
Collaboration: PBG (Aneta Vojtová, Tereza Mayer)
Architecture, production: Aneta Vojtová, Matěj Činčera
Photo (installation): Radek Úlehla

Designblok 2023
4.–8. 10. 2023
Openstudio – Fair Trade Palace
National Gallery in Prague
Dukelských hrdinů 530/47, Prague 7

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